
Bella Johnson
Bella was retired after having two litters and my husband and I were lucky enough to be chosen to have her join us at the age of 6' She was an absolute joy to have in our lives and often did a "happy dance" on our front lawn before setting out on our neighbourhood walks. At the beach she knew just where she wanted the ball to go in the water...she trained us well.
Now it is September, 2022 as I finally try to put together a few words to honour her sweet, loving nature. But even now the tears are making it almost impossible.
Fortunately, since last August I have a rescue dog, Brodie for companionship and he has won my heart all over again.

Robbie Johnson
Before Be1la, another black Lab took us on long hikes in the woods or at the seashore both in the sunshine and during many of the storms at the waterfront. Robbie was a great swimmer and often challenged the surf at Dallas Road. He was an excellent guard dog, but enjoyed his toys and sleeping on the bed as well. His memory will never leave me either and I remember him with all the good feelings his daily presence gave me.
Bella and Robbie were both in Dr. Dudzic's loving care, as is Brodie.